Mae Phim - a night out in Klaeng

My friend told that as there is no nightlife in Laem Mae Phiim it would require a trip to the metropolis of nearby Kleang.

OK, so the use of the word metropolis was not exactly consistant with what you might expect, but compared to Mae Phim it does seem like a big city.

Now as Klaeng is around 15 kilometers from Mae Phim, you need some forward planning for such a big expedition. Basically a Mae Phim map showing the other small spot on it, namely Klaeng.

We departed from Mae Phim early evening only to arrive in Klaeng some 30 minutes later.

Where were the dancings girls we were expecting, how about all the bright neon signs of the bars?

Nope, there was nothing.

After making some enquiries we discovered what looked to be a shack due for demolition any day. Wrong, it turned out to be Klaeng’s nightlife – a single karaoke bar with an absolute minimum of staff.

We left after about 10 minutes keen to make the long trip back to the non-nightlife Mae Phim we knew.

Home at last!